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The clay used in three ways:

Earthenware Clay (Low temperature)

Stoneware Clay (High temperature)

Porcelain Clay


Tea Pot, Tea Kettle, Tea Cup In fourteen weeks,

I learned the technology for the clay. So, I would like to cooperate with the clay sifu.

Clays sintered in fire were the first form of ceramic. Bricks, cooking pots, art objects, dishware, and even musical instruments.There are different types of clay are each have different personalities.Both in its color, texture, and the firing temperature plasticity aspects.Has an obvious difference.

Tea set

– Tea Pot, Tea Kettle, Tea Cup In fourteen weeks,

I learned the technology for the clay. So, I would like to cooperate with the clay sifu.


I consider to make a modern tea set for modern people, because I want to encourage more people to enjoy the Chinese tea in their daily life.In the making process, clay sifu will make clay form for tea pot, then I need to modify the surface, paint the color and firing it by my hand. Also, I will make another tea kettle and tea cup. I would like a special tea set.


1)Clay can be found in the land in the valley, exposing the surface layer of mud and bed and other places are particularly vulnerable to discovery.


2)Mixing mud with the machine or by hand rub evenly to dry until the moderate hardness.


3)Wet mud high plasticity.


4)Create different shapes by plastic casting machine or by hand methods.


5)Extremely fragile molded raw billet.


6)After it was Dry, we put the design in an oven to”sukiyaki”素燒 (one thousand degrees Celsius), the billet body will shrink and harden.


7) After the first boiling, the design is broken easily.


8) Painted the color


9)After boiling, glassy surface covered with a layer of glaze, making it look both beautiful and easy to clean



The color is printing inside the tea set and I will make some images and patterns inside the pot and cup. Such as, i make a clay leaf inside the cup.

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